Angel Updates

Our Mission

Quaker Guardian Angels are dedicated to preserving and celebrating the historical significance of South Carolina's oldest inland city place of burial.

Our nonprofit organization strives to create a beautiful and educational space where families, friends, and the wider community can come together to learn about and honor the deceased.

Preservation of History

Quaker Angels is committed to safeguarding the rich historical heritage of the Quaker Cemetery. We aim to maintain and restore the cemetery's physical structures, gravestones, and landscape, ensuring they stand as enduring testaments to the past.

Commemoration and Respect

As a place of final rest for countless individuals who have played significant roles in our community's history, Quaker Guardian Angels endeavors to cultivate an environment of reverence and respect. We encourage visitors to pay their respects and remember the lives and contributions of those who have come before us.

Fundraising and Sustainability

To accomplish our mission effectively, Quaker Guardian Angels are dedicated to raising funds to support our preservation and educational initiatives. We pledge to operate transparently and responsibly, ensuring that every dollar donated is used efficiently to achieve our goals. We look to repair dated fencing and/or gates, enhance security monitoring, scan older documents, repair plumbing for irrigation, enhance landscaping and more.

Together, let us cherish Quaker Cemetery as a place of reflection, celebration, and historical significance. Through our collective efforts, we can ensure that this cherished landmark remains an enduring testament to the past, present, and future generations. Join us in honoring the memories of those who rest here, as we celebrate the stories that have shaped our community's identity and soul."

—Aimee Kornegay Nelson, President of Quaker Guardian Angels


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
